Hi folks! It’s been a while.
Welcome back to my humble blog. A lot has happened in my life since my last post – some highs, some lows. I’ve rebuilt the blog from scratch after my previous framework became very badly maintained, to the point where I was unable to make simple updates – but more on that later.
あけましておめでとうございます。Against all the odds, I’m still here.
Based on my current situation, it looks like I’ll stay beyond my initial 2 year estimation.
I moved to central Tokyo from Kanamachi, so the pace of life is a little different. Ginza and Tsukiji are within a short walking distance, so it’s a convenient place to be. Visiting friends in the westside is likewise easier, being closer to the train line. What was 45 minutes by train, after a 20 minute walk to the station previously, has become a 15 minute train ride. Nice!
Though with the move, it has meant saying goodbye to the peaceful suburban life. My new place is hardly bustling, but it certainly doesn’t have the same access to rivers and parks which offered ideal daily running routes.

I’m looking forward to another year here, making new memories and experiencing incredible new things.
This year I was able to visit various new places throughout Japan. I visited Kumamoto for the first time, and enjoyed it so much I went back for new year. I went skiing and paddle-boarding in Nagano (winter/summer respectively). I hiked in Kanagawa. I took various road-trips from Tokyo, including to Yamanashi, and even as far as Sendai. Yes, it’s been a good year for discovery – but that’s just Japan!
In January, I visited Taiwan for the first time, with a few friends from work.
It was thanks to my kohai and fellow designer Lily, that I was able to visit Taiwan so effortlessly. She invited me and two other coworkers to stay in her family home for two weeks and adopted the role of our tour guide.

We spent a little time in Taipei, Tainan, Ruifang, and were lucky enough to see the beautiful Taroko National Park before the devastating earthquake in April. I consider myself immensely lucky to have visited.

I spent a little time visiting home during summer.
Whilst it was great seeing friends and family after more than a year away, I felt like a bit of a tourist. Not a bad thing in itself, and it created a sense of discovery in the country where I’d lived for 36 years previously.
I saw some friends, went to a few social events, and did a spot of travelling.

Like any other vacation, it was over too soon.
I travelled to Bali in October. Whilst I’m notoriously bad at taking time to relax, that was the entire purpose of this trip.

It is an incredible place. Beautiful! Totally recharged my batteries.
Last year, I carved out some time to work on my portfolio. It’s still growing, but I’m excited to showcase my design thinking, process, and storytelling in one place.
I made the switch from Colorkrew to Bodygram in an exciting career move. Whilst it wasn’t an easy choice to leave my team, stepping into a Lead Designer role with the company has been both challenging and rewarding, and 2025 will be pivotal in shaping product experiences that really push what’s possible.
Mentoring via ADPList too has been incredibly fulfilling. From portfolio reviews and knowledge sharing to interview prep, I’ve loved helping fellow designers improve their confidence. One of my mentees even landed a permanent position – a proud moment for both of us! I’m happy to support anyone who has questions or doubts, as they progress in their design journey.
Whilst I’m less active on social media, I still check in frequently with LinkedIn, and happy to meet new professionals here.
Photography and the Leica Q3
I had been saving for a new camera for a while. Due to low-stock, I kept putting money aside whilst I waited for the Fujifilm X100V to become available. At the same time, I was tempted by the Leica Q2. Eventually I surpassed my saving target, and when the Leica Q3 was announced, I decided it would be worth making the investment.

Though I’ve barely scratched the surface of what this incredible camera can do, I’m having a great time shooting with it – particularly whilst travelling, and in 2025 I’ll take shooting and editing more seriously.
One way I hope to achieve that is by printing the photos I’m most proud of. Initially it will be for personal use, using Canon’s desktop SELPHIE CP1500 photo printer. It’s not super-high quality, but allows me to affordably create physical keepsakes in an otherwise wholly digital process.
I’m also attending social events and galleries here in Tokyo. Learning from others, who have so much great experience to share, has been rewarding and continues to inspire.
Plans for 2025
2025 marks the third consecutive year I’ve been living in Tokyo.
After a tumultuous 2024, I’m hoping with things a little more settled now, I can improve my routine here. I want to see, capture and share more of my life in Japan – and of course blogging more frequently offers the perfect platform for this.
As such, I’ll work on this blog to make it fit for purpose. For now, it’s largely a recreation of the previous site which used the Gatsby framework.
Because living in Japan is seeming increasingly like a long-term prospect (ie. 5+ years), I’ll move more of my personal belongings from the UK this year. I haven’t exactly figured out how yet, but I would definitely appreciate having access the art-books I’ve collected over the years.
I’ll keep travelling this year also. To be honest, I think my current plans will have me running out of time off from work before summer is over… Living in Japan means that other nearby Asian countries are easy to visit. And I’m trying to take advantage of that in a way that I didn’t when I was living in Europe.
I had hoped to start on a new podcast series with my buddy Kazie (I mentioned it in my plans for 2023), but the distance and time difference has made it really difficult, even to maintain regular conversation. Regardless, I’ll continue to find creative outlets, either audio, visual or interactive.
As always, resolve to take care of one another this year!
Love and Peace.