Notes for this Podcast
This week I’m joined by Ash, Liam and Dave to talk about what we’ve been playing in the last week.
Prompted by our poorly remembered game quote, the boys ramble fondly about the Metal Gear series for a decent length of time.
Also in this episode: Liam still hasn’t played the Last Guardian, Dave talks about his early experiences with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Ash has finally become a Pokémon Master and I’ve started playing those annoying, passive mobile games from 2012.

Dave briefly mentions the PlatinumGames title in development, Scalebound, in this podcast. Unfortunately, since recording this only 2 days ago, it has been announced that development on this title has been cancelled!
Sad news for Dragon fans.
Clash of Clans/Clash Royale
My latest addiction: the passive Supercell games, Clash of Clans and Clash Royal. We talk a little about the ridiculousness of freemium games, and their addictive nature.
Games Done Quick
As mentioned briefly at the end of the podcast, Games Done Quick is taking place right now! You can still check out their schedule to see some incredible speed runs, and if you’re feeling generous, donate some moneyto their preferred charity.