The OZARIN Podcast S1E05

Nintendo Switch reveal

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Notes for this Podcast

Hello! I’m back again after what has been a pretty hectic week, and I’m joined by Liam and Ashley.

The biggest news of the past few days is undoubtedly Nintendo’s reveal of their latest piece of hardware – the Nintendo Switch. It has managed to stir up some pretty strong feelings, and wistful nostalgia among our hosts (reveal trailer below).

We also take a look at the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer, the Overwatch Halloween event, and talk about our exciting personal lives.

As a quick reminder, we won’t be around next week, so savour this podcast. Enjoy it.

Nintendo Switch reveal

Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer

Overwatch Halloween Terror!

Liz’s Just Giving page

As we mentioned on the podcast, our pal Liz is chopping all her hair off, post wedding, to aid SAMH (the Scottish Association for Mental Health).

They’re a really great cause, so if you can spare a few quid, please consider sponsoring her new hairdo.