Notes for this Podcast
Welcome back! After a couple of weeks off, myself and Ash are finally settled in our new apartment. This week, we’re joined by Dave to discuss his latest piece of hardware; but does he have buyer’s remorse?
Dave weighs up the Pros (heh!) and cons of the PlayStation 4 Pro console.
We also take a look at some of the biggest announcements from Bizzcon 2016, as Ash talks about the Sombra reveal and I get a little nostalgic for Diablo.
Towards the end, we pause the podcast to let Dave check out the latest Ghost in the Shell trailer, starring Scarlett Johansson, then we share our thoughts and expectations.
PlayStation 4 Pro features
Blizzcon 2016 – Sombra reveal
Ghost in the Shell live action trailer
As an added bonus here’s an incredible homage which was created a few years back by Project 2501.
You can read more about this project and check out some of the still images on the Project 2501 website.